This is a personal opportunity for you to receive support and experience growth during challenging times in your life. We will explore your feelings, beliefs, and behaviors. We’ll work through challenging memories and identify aspects of your life you need to change. You’ll heal, grow and move on to a more productive, psychologically healthy life.


You’ve worn a mask as long as you can remember. You long to have an intimate relationship with your husband without the intrusive thoughts of the sexual abuse you endured. You struggle to let go of the shame you’ve carried for years or perhaps decades. For the life of you, you can’t understand why God would allow this trauma to be part of your life story.

You want to remove the mask. But you’re afraid...
Afraid you won’t be believed.
Afraid the pain really won’t end.
Afraid you’re too damaged to heal.


You’re doing everything you can to hold it together but if you hear, “They’re in a better place” one more time you’re going to snap! Everyone keeps telling you to “have faith” and “God wouldn’t put more on you than you can bear.” But the truth is, your faith is a bit weak and you really don’t feel like hearing what God has to say.

Because if you’re completely honest, you’re tired and you’re angry.
Tired of trying to make sense of all your emotions.
Tired of people telling you, “It’s going to be alright.”
And angry with God for allowing this to happen.


You’ve tried everything you could think of and your relationship continues to struggle. You can’t seem to get on the same page with your spouse/significant other and you’re feeling more and more distant.

You feel unloved.
He feels unappreciated.
Your desire is to create a healthier relationship, but you just don’t know how to make it happen.